

Factors influencing choice of malaria preventive measures utilized by women of reproductive age attending antenatal clinics in Ede South Local Government



Factors influencing choice of malaria preventive measures utilized by women of reproductive age attending antenatal clinics in Ede South Local Government.


Background: Malaria is a major health problem in Sub-Saharan Africa with a severe effect of about 90% of death across the continent. The incidence has continually increased over time and may affect the future generation as well as the unborn, if not curtailed. Therefore, mothers and potential mothers such that are grouped as reproductive age women are key factors that could ensure discontinuity in the increasing rate of malaria. Objectives: this study was designed to identify the factors influencing the choice of malaria preventive measures utilized by women of reproductive age in Ede South Local Government Area. Methodology: a cross-sectional study design was used to obtain information from 230 pregnant women through a semi-structured interviewer administered and guided questionnaire using a multistage sampling technique, data was analyzed using IBM SPSS version 23.0 and significant level was set at 5%. Result: most of the respondents were between 25-29 years in which mean age was 28.8 years, most of them were Muslims (66%), married (94.8%), traders (43.3%). The respondents had good level of knowledge (71.6%) on malaria preventive measures, attitude towards utilization was positive (75.6%), factors influencing choice were knowledge, socio-determinants such as accessibility, availability, affordability, negative influence of spouse, beliefs, positive attitude of health workers, previous negative feedback and discomfort to the use of LLIN. Conclusion: respondents had adequate knowledge and a positive attitude towards malaria preventive measures, in which the choice of utilization was good, though there were individual factors such as faith, negative influence of spouse, distance and transportation which may hinder the choice of utilization as reported. There is a need to continue a sustainable health education and promotion in Ede South Local Government.


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