

The role of industrial training on secretaries – a survey of students on industrial attachment in Owerri urban




The role of industrial training on secretaries – a survey of students on industrial attachment in Owerri urban. This study is designed to determine the impact or contributions the students of accounting derive from students’ industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) and to investigates the hindrances if any, the students of accountancy encounter in the course of gaining practical knowledge, pre-qualification or pre-graduation experience has become often-quoted criteria on for manpower selections as required by all employers. In keeping with this requirement, most employers search for persons who have had enough on-the-job experience to fill certain positions in the establishment. In order to carry out the research, two research questions were stated. 1. What are the major impacts or contributions that students from accounting education derived from students’ industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) 2. What hindrance the students of accountancy encounter in the course of gaining the practical knowledge   A cross-sectional survey design was used to obtain data. Instruments for data collection were questionnaires having three options. The major findings include: I. Every institution should set up coordinating units as advised by the industrial training fund (ITYF) so as to reduce the communication gap between the students and institutions. II. The induction/orientation of students should be organized to involve the institution, the industrial training fund (ITF) and employer. In that induction course, every information concerning the students must be made available to them.

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