


The impact of foreign capital on entrepreneurship development in Nigeria.


This research work examined the“Impact of Foreign Capital in Entrepreneurship Development in Nigeria” (A case study of Imo State). It used a survey research method with questionnaires as the instrument for data collection, conclusions and recommendations were made based on the findings of the study. The study confirmed that entrepreneurship development in Nigeria has been mainly financed by indigenous organizations like the National Directorate of employment (NDE).To further understand the research problems and provide adequate answers to the research questions, the researcher adopted specific techniques in identifying, selecting and analyzing information that will allow for a critical evaluation of the study’s overall validity and reliability. The descriptive research design was used for the study. Primary source was through the help of questionnaires and the secondary source was obtained by the use of textbooks, school journals and other materials. The population of the study was identified from which a large sample size of 30% was selected using random sampling method. Collected data were gathered presented and analyzed using simple percentages. The study recommended that the federal government should re-open its negotiations with international capital markets and financial instructions such as the Paris Club, World Bank, Ltd, etc. to funds. The funds could then be loaned out to potential entrepreneurs at low interest rates.   

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