


This study investigated into ensuring efficiency through storage and materials handling in an organization (A case study of Lafarge Cement Plc, Ewekoro, Ogun State). Justify the important of the study.
Chapter one focused on the introduction of the study contains statement of problem, objective of the study, the historical background of the case study, the organization chart of the study.
Chapter two, the work of some writers, opinions of some authors are used to explicitly and critically examine the findings on store efficiency through storage and materials handling.
Chapter three covered the research methodology research population, the questionnaire design, and same size primary and secondary data.
Chapter four provide the profile of Lafarge Cement Plc, Ewekoro, Ogun State, data presentation, analysis and interpretation.
Chapter five provides summary, recommendation and conclusion of the research work, I wish that this research work will be of immense help to manufacturing industries, the young ones and general publish.

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Since stock of materials represent money: it is important to research into how these materials are received, kept, issued with theoretical knowledge acquired in schools over the years, while the primary function of the store is to provide services to the operating function and these services cannot be provided without proper provisions of storage facilities.
The impact of storage facilities on stores efficiency is to ensure that goods regularly required are stored according and that adequate care of materials held within the organizations is very important. Store staff must be well trained in ensuring that materials held within the stores are well taken care of, storage facilities such as bins, rack, shelves, flat pallet, spillage post, box pallet, stock taking silos and tanks are to be provided.
Some methods of storage are associated with particular method of handling and therefore the task of handling materials and storage methods must be taken into consideration while choosing the methods of storage to be incurred or use. The provision of materials handling is another essential objective of store functions, storage also encompasses store design and store location system. Storage cannot be effectively done within taking into consideration the design of the store which involves planning so that stocks are conveniently grouped and placed for efficient operation. The store should also be designed in such a way that easy flow of items or materials held is to be ensured without hindrances caused by the choosing of gang way, also to ensure that materials can be found when they are needed within minimum waste of time.
There are two major location systems which can be adopted and these are fixed or random location system, all goods location system must not only locate them but also conjure up a mental picture of its position with store house.
In many organization, both public and private sectors much emphasis are being made on procurement of materials and less on storage and associated functions and procedures.
The research work is to reveal the storage procedures and its impact on store efficiency, in doing this the storage and materials handling procedures adopted by Lafarge cement Plc, Ewekero Ogun State shall be looked into ascertain its effects on store efficiency it also hopes that suggestions and recommendations will made regarding modern scientific and better system of storage and materials handling.
There is enormous variety of material in store house of all kind and yet there are increasing verities very now and then because of advancement in technology due to innovations and renovations, this has brought careful and important roles to be played by the stores as appropriately expected it worth reporting that so many damages had been caused to materials in the store and which as lead to significant losses thanks to materials handling, location system, storage procedures etc. which as help to decrease the rate of damages in the store house. While many materials have lost their strength due to poor storage facilities, poor storage procedures and lack of qualified or experienced and adequate staff to manage the store efficiently. However, financial constraint hindered the purchase of adequate equipment and qualified personnel.
This project is tailored towards the realization of the following:
? To evaluate out how materials handling and storage contribute to store efficiency in terms of cost reduction in cost and wastages and enhanced productivity
? To assesses the objective of materials storage and its contribution to the organization (Lafarge cement Plc)
? To examine the effect of stored design on materials handling in Lafarge cement Plc.
To aid this study the researcher finds it worthwhile to raise the following under listed question:
? What is the contribution of store to the development of an organization?
? Does materials brings about, enhance productivity?
? Does materials handling brings a wastage of materials
This research seeks to look at the store efficiency through storage and materials handling in an organization especially within Lafarge cement Plc Ewekoro, Ogun State.
? It will contribute to the existing wealth of knowledge the area of storage and materials handling in the store house.
? The study will be of access assistance to prospective researcher who may like to research on this topic or improve on the recommendations proffered by the researcher.
? The research will enable the researcher to have broad knowledge of ensuring store?s efficiency through storage and materials handling in an organization
During the course of this research, some problems are encountered which did not make the work as detailed and timely as expected. Among the difficulty confront are following
i) ATTITUDE OF THE OFFICALS: the officials met in the company were reluctant to give useful information that can make this job easy while some did not respond at all.
ii) FINANE: Fund was inadequate in order to enable the research enough. This is responsible for the. Slow in project write-up and printing.
Stores: is a term used to describe goods which are held in storehouse or stockyard.
? STORE: means an abode where material either raw, work-in- progress or finished goods are being kept before delivery or dispatch is made.
? EFFICIENCY: is a measure of how well or productive an organization uses resources in producing huge amount of product.
? STORAGE: refers to where or place where goods and materials bought are kept for uses or purpose or materials that await inspection or delivery are kept.
? MATERIALS: are items procured to use in the production process to give a reasonable outcome that is finished product.
? HANDLING EQUIPMENT: are facilities used to carry or move material from one point to the other in an organization e.g Forklift.
? OPERATION: Refers to as an action of functioning or the fact of been active or in effect. An action scope or method of working.
? OUTPUT: means end result of production activities an outcome of an operation either in production or any activities.
Lafarge cement plc, formally as West Africa porland Cement plc was established in 1959 with its first factory in Ewekoro Ogun State Nigeria in 1960. The discovery of limestone in Sagamu area made it easy for the establishment of second Cement factory in Shagamu Ogun State and Commissioned the Hon. Minister of labour and industry Sir Roland Adeleye in way1978. The company commenced production with an initial capacity of 200,000 tones per annum, but these later grew with demand to about 1.5 million metric tones per annum.
In response to a growing demand for Cement and aligned products, West Africa Portland Cement Plc remained the flagship product of the essential input to build in Nigeria which is symbolized by elephant; its brand- has continued to depict power, maturity, Resilience, durability and reliability.
Elephant cement has continued to expand and assert itself as a market leader across borders, despite the overall instability and weakness of the market. Brand is successful due to its outstanding quality complimented by their Superior sales and world class logistics from work to position the elephant brand as a clear leader in prod class
From the late 90?s the company began to witness reduction in output due to age the inaugural plants in Ewekoro. However to cope with future challenges through increase productivity, improve efficiency and cost effectiveness a modern productivity, improve efficiency and cost effectiveness a modern State-of-the-art plant was commissioned in Ewekoro in August 2003 to replace the absolute and aged plant. The new plant capacity of 1.32 million metric tones per annum has since commence production with attendant result of increased output by the company.
Lafarge Contribute to the construction of city around the world through its innovative solution providing them with more housing and making them more compact; more durable, more beautiful, and better connected with the world leading building materials, Larfarge places innovation at the heart of its priority in other to contribute to more sustainable construction and to better serve architectural creativities. They promote social economic development job creation, adult training programmes and employee opportunity to make a positive contribution in the community around our sites.
Another representative of Ewekoro community, Chief J.O Idowu submitted that ?the company gave our students scholarship youth empowerment through revolving capital and educational relief materials. Lafarge WAPCO also introduced mechanized farming into our villages in Ewekoro by giving us tractors? youth representatives, under the aegis of Sagamu youth Council led by Mr. Jamiu Olododo said the company has equally demonstrated its commitment to the development of Sagamu through a number of activities ranging from the building of public toilet to yearly scholarships and a community learning center for youth empowerment.
Our commitment to the communities is supported by a methodology focusing on awareness, dialogue and collaboration designed to create shared values for local stakeholders and for the operations. We have set ambitious targets to promote local socio-economic development. We also support, conduct, or sponsor many adult training programs ranging from basic competences to specific trade skills.
The ACES is designed and wholly sponsored by Lafarge in its drive towards solving technical skills deficit in the society, the scheme is targeted at young school leaver from the host-communities along with others from the lager Nigerian society for them to acquire skills in Electrical, Mechanical, and instrumentation/ Automation crafts man ship, in furtherance of this- Lafarge as a member of the board of the Cement Technology institute of Nigeria (CTIN). Over 1,000 people have benefited from the acquisition scheme from the centre in various trade tests with a training period of three and half (31/2) years and a take away of a National Board of technical Education certificate (NABTEB) o ?level certificate.

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