The need for this study being the impact of product development on bank performance was to determine the rate at which the performance of this product is helping the economic development an growth in the banking industry in the terms of employment, income, staff utilization and technology and serve as an advisory piece to Owns of banks as to how these product can be run to the benefit of the customers who patronize such product. This research work is divided into five chapters. One deals with the introduction/background of the study, statement of problems, objectives of the study, research questions, scope of the study, significance of study, limitation of the study and delimitation of terms. Chapter four deals with presentation and interpretation of data. Chapter five deals with, summary of finding, conclusion and recommendation. For the purpose of the study, questionnaires were administered to both banks and customers. Finally, suggestion were made to the bank on how the should establish a good management team for proper co-ordination and marketing of such products
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