

An appraisal of investors confidence and performance of the real estate sector in Abuja, Nigeria




This project work is on An appraisal of investors confidence and performance of the real estate sector in Abuja, Nigeria. The aim of this study is to appraise the level of investors’ confidence and performance of the Nigerian real estate sector. In attaining the aforementioned aim, this study is set to achieve the following objectives: identify the predominant types of investments/investors in Nigeria identify investors preference factors for other dominant investments in comparison with real estate ascertain the behaviour/attitude of investors towards the Nigerian real estate sector measure the level of confidence of investors to real estate investment in Gwarimpa, Abuja and to assess the performance of the Nigeria real estate sector. The study makes use of the survey design which enables the researcher to take close-ended study of the research population and obtain all the relevant information needed from respondents through the use of questionnaires, interviews, and personal observation. Statistical tools such as tables, percentages and descriptive methods were used to present and analyzed the data gathered from the field survey which was considered appropriate for the research. A total of one hundred questionnaires were distributed while 93 were duly filled and returned forming a 91% response rate. The study revealed that the common types of real estate investment in Gwarimpa are residential properties in different categories such as bungalow (detached/ Semi-detached), block of flats and duplex with the mean value of 3.50 and above and that the Nigeria real estate sector is performing well, however, a lot still desired to done by all stakeholders involved to ensure and more favorable environment. Finally, the study recommends that the Nigerian government should create incentives for the real estate sector so as to encourage more investors into the sector for the development of affordable housing for Nigerians. 

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