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Attitude of female staff toward infant and young child feeding practice particularly exclusive breastfeeding and complementary feeding




Attitude of female staff toward infant and young child feeding practice particularly exclusive breastfeeding and complementary feeding. The study is on the attitude of female staff towards infant and young child feeding practices (particularly exclusive breastfeeding and complementary feeding) in Hassan Usman Polytechnic Katsina State. The objectives of the study were to observe the attitude of female Staff towards infant and young child feeding practice particularly exclusive breastfeeding and complementary feeding, to find out the problems associated with failure to practice exclusive breastfeeding, to examine the problem associated with failure to start complementary feeding in an appropriate time and to identify the problems which hinder the practice of exclusive breastfeeding among female Staff in Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic. The design used was cross-sectional research design, the sample method used was random sampling method of data was collected through the use of questionnaire and the target population was the female Staff including the teaching female staff of Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic Katsina. The findings show that the age of the respondents, 42.5% ranged 20-30, 40% ranged 30-40, 17.5% ranged 40-50 respectively, the tribe of the female Staff 57.5% represents Hausa/Fulani, 5% represents Yoruba and 37.5% represents others. It is also reveals that 90% of the female Staff practice exclusive breastfeeding and also shows that 87.5% of female staff breastfeed their child immediately after birth, 100% of female Staff give complementary foods, 52.5% of female Staff start complementary foods after six months. The provision of crèches at the workplace will reduce the distance between infants and their mothers and subsequently increase the level of breastfeeding.

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