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Collection, classification and preservation of mushrooms

Original price was: ₦3,200.00.Current price is: ₦3,000.00.



Mushrooms were collected at different places around Bida environment. Some of the species were collected very early in the morning, mid-day and towards evening, depending on the life span of the mushroom. The collected specimens were classified, preserved by the oven, drying it, then sealed and labelled with the species name, date of collection, habitat and classification of the mushrooms collected. Some were the edible and medicinal source and some were toxic. The work concluded that the mushroom samples in Bida can be furthered in explained for their usefulness. A mushroom is a fruit of certain fungi, analogous to the apple on a tree (Aloha, 2005) most of the fungus are invisible as it colonizes and absorb nutrient from wood, fallen leaves, organic matter in soil. Fungi can grow on almost any carbon source (a substrate). Many fungi, mushrooms inclusive are saprophytes, obtaining their food by colonizing dead organic matter.  

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