

Health seeking behaviours of persons with tuberculosis among residents in Amanator Ideato south Lga, Imo state

Original price was: ₦3,200.00.Current price is: ₦3,000.00.



The purpose of this study was to evaluate the health seeking behaviours of persons with tuberculosis among residents in Amanator community in Ideato South LGA of Imo State. To achieve this purpose the descriptive research design was used to assess 101 respondents drawn from Amanator community through simple sampling technique. A closed-ended questionnaire was used to obtain responses from the respondents, 101 copies of questionnaire were distributed to the respondents while 95 copies were received. Data collected for this study were analyzed using descriptive statistics of frequency, percentage mean and inferential statistics of correlation analysis. The findings show that there was no significant association between overall knowledge and overall health seeking behaviors towards Tuberculosis, thus implying that there is no good practice of preventive behavior of Tuberculosis among the respondents. It was concluded practice and utilization of health care services by the respondents was low compared to their needs, especially with regards to home visits by physicians, nurses or social workers poverty is the leading determinant of health seeking behaviour among the respondents. It was recommended that the health care professionals and hospital management should implement strategies to improve patient knowledge and access to health services including health literacy and information as this will in turn affect their adoption of health seeking behaviours and preventive measures towards tuberculosis.

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