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Tourism industry is the largest and most efficient economic activities in the world that creates the highest levels of added value and directly or indirectly affects other economic and cultural activities. Many countries consider this dynamic industry as the main source of income, employment, growth in private sector and infrastructure development Taleghani, Gilaninia amp; Bashiri, 2011. Although it can be said that tourism alone cannot lead to the development of the country, but gradually with the arrival of tourists create the need to change and facilities for accommodation, transportation and other related activities, therefore will include development Dolat Abadi amp; Yaghoobzadeh, 2009: 15. Marketing in the tourism industry, a process management administration, including the current and future needs and satisfaction of tourists, so that travel companies and suppliers will have to compete with each other Gilaninia, 2010. Nowadays cities are trying to provide more revenue for their citizens and enhance their quality of life. In the last two decades, especially since the beginning of the twenty first century, city managers and local authorities, urban planners and decision makers around the world have tried to increase situation and tourism attractions in city and its position in the competitive global market are distinct from other cities Azadvari, 2011. Using effective marketing tools and parameters is factors that could improve and develop the tourism industry Serdi Mahakan, 2001. Thus the marketing of tourism is particularly important, because if marketing be management process thus all planning activities, providing tourism product and attracting tourists are needed to marketing operations Pender, 1999.

Krippend off defined market tourism as the systematic and coordinate execution business policy by tourist undertaking whether state owned at local regional national international level the needs if identifiable consumers groups and in doing so to achieve an appropriate return.

The first equipment for tourism planning therefore is knowledge of the market and this involves researching into people and their need that is to sky tourism facilities should be organized primarily to meet the needs of the guest or users.

The impact of market is seen to include the assessment of consumers demand in the first place and not mercy satisfying demand as it appears.


i.The growth and development of tourism are not without problems. The first is that of land used when for example much of the areas of the tourist destination is devoted to enable land and to other forms of agriculture. There may be a conflict in the demands which tourism makes on the countryside for land requirement for his facilities.

This calls for provision of areas of land and arising the problems of a location of scale resources in the most equitable and satisfying way.

ii.Secondly there may be conflict between the demand of visitors and the interest of resident of a town or region the large the number of visitors and the greatest of risk of inconveniencies or loss of amenity and facility of those living in the town or regions.

IiiTourism implies the injection into the destination of an alien elements which may engender resentment in other words, tourism may guess rise to population explosion. It is an important test of the tourist organization to educate the resident population.

iv.Thirdly, tourism is to considerable extent seasonal activities as observed during this study, tourist centres have special days or needs or period of highest visits.

Relatively little of tourism continuities throughout the year, most of its facilities are used intensively for less than half time. This ledges to a wasteful use of resources and may in seasonal unemployment, this is to an economic as well as social problem.

v.Another problems is in the area of promotion and publicity to change some of the traditional attitudes of our people with a largely aggression culture to coax them out of the conservatism to which they seen entrusted. The public needs to be relaxation and on what tourism is all about. Need, many people do not even know about the existence of some of our tourist attractions existing in the state.

However, it must be pointed out that our tourist organizations have been less concerned with the promotion of their service. They should involve themselves in promotional activities such as the sponsoring of sport tournaments at least twice a year. They should also engage in organizing for instance culture festivals. This nondevelopment of tourist facilities to complete favorably with those funds in development countries, account for constant movement by Nigerians to overseas countries for holidays and relaxation these people who would have constitutes the tourist market in Nigerian are loss to oversea market.


1.To identify the target market and to highlight the purpose of relaxation to individual consumers who make up the market.

2.The researcher wishes to identify the tourist attention product available on the state and their facilities

3.To identify the various ways or media by which the proprietors have seen able to make suggestion on ways to bringing their services to the people or consumers.

4.To explore the impact of marketing in tourism development and determine market problems in tourism.

5.To ascertain the position of the tourist industry in the economic development of the state.


H0: The quality of tourist services offered by tourist organizations in Enugu state is not satisfactorily.

H1: The quality of tourist product/facilities offered by tourist organization in Enugu state is satisfactorily.

H0: The price of tourist product provided by tourist organization in Enugu leads to increase in sales

H2: The price of tourist product provided by tourist organization in Enugu does not lead to increase in sales.

H0: Distribution strategies adopted by tourist organization in Enugu do not have positive effect on tourism products.

H3: Distribution strategies adopted by tourist organization in Enugu state have positive effect on tourist products.

H0: The promotional strategies adopted by tourist organization in Enugu do not lead to customer awareness.

H4: The promotional strategies adopted by tourist organizational in Enugu leads to customer awareness.

H0: The marketing strategies employed by tourist organization do not lead to increase sales.

H5: The marketing strategies employed by tourist organization lead to increase sales.


The researcher hopes that this study will enable the tourist industry/cooperators and government value the effect of nonapplication of marketing concepts.

The study will also help all the tourist industry in Nigeria especially in Enugu state to know the reason behind the poor performance of the tourist industries and understands the impact to play in the tourist facilities and the users.

The study will also act as a literature review to those interested in doing further studies in this areas of the study will also help keep the tourist proprietors to live up to their effectuation of their consumer or guest by making sure that all necessary tourist centers are developed and the facilities properly maintained.

Finally, the management proprieties including government will benefits from this report of this study.


This study covers the impact of marketing on tourist destination. This it does by highlighting the problem facing the study, the objectives and the limitation of the study.


The researcher was supposed to make a study of the many tourist centres that make up the tourist industry in the country.

But owing to certain circumstances and observation, the study of Enugu metropolis only led to been taken the circumstance which made the study to be limited to only Enugu state considered inadequate of the study and economic constraints.

The researcher also noticed that the tourist industry is faced with almost the same problem of underdevelopment throughout the country. Therefore it is assume that since such is the cash a study within the Enugu urban will be adequate.


The research was designed by the researcher for objectivity and details. The staffs were divided into four categories of workers namely: management, supervisors, operatives and casuals to be able to accommodate the various types of workers in the centre. The study was generally based on analytical sample survey where companion are made between the different subgroup of the population under study. A pretest was also carried out by the researcher on isolated problems of the design, with a view to establish a broad plan. Quantitative data was mostly utilized in the analysis. Data was obtained using questionnaire, oral interviews and journals. The format used in the questionnaire is the simple Yes/NO True /False format, information format and liker scaling format. It took the researcher about 2 weeks to carry out the research which includes the designing, distribution and final collection of the questionnaire, conducting conduction of oral interviews and direct observation as well as the pretest. These were all done as some manageable less financial cost to the researcher.

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