



This research work focuses on Impact of urban growth on residential property development. The term residential property are building constructed to locate for shelter (i.e. to living) for both man and animal, after the day work, own is expected to sleep under his shelter for the refreshment of the brain. Examples of residential property are duplex, bungalow, and castle. The morphology of any town or city in its past and present population determine the nature of social and economic activities in that town urban area search of sites thereby concentrate more workers, building and residential activities into the area. Increase in the number of people who live in urban and also the diffusion of urban life to every habitable world would be seen as one of the characteristics features of modern-day life which made it necessary for the study of urban growth so as to examine why it occurs, what happen, when it occurs and what impact does it have on residential property values. Urban growth is in no doubt associated with some inherent problem which calls for an effective control that will serve as a guide to uplift the living standard of the citizen. These problems can as well be equated or compared to those prevailing in other places. It is therefore hoped that the findings of this project will help both the government investor and their likes appreciate the impact growth and also enable the government to plan ahead.

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