

Internal audit, an effective tool for fraud control in a manufacturing organization – a study of Michelle Laboratory Plc


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This research work is on Internal audit, an effective tool for fraud control in a manufacturing organization – a study of Michelle Laboratory Plc. This study, internal audit an effective tool for fraud control in a manufacturing organization. The effectiveness of the internal audit was carefully examined and the aim of the study is to ascertain the contribution of internal audit in fraud prevention in a manufacturing organization, to evaluate the contribution of internal audit in fraud detection in a manufacturing organization, to evaluate the contribution of internal audit in fraud remediation in a manufacturing organization. The survey research design was adopted and a sample size of eight (8) was gotten using Taro Yamane’s 1964 formula out of the population of eight (8) staff in Michelle laboratory Enugu. In determining the number of questionnaires administered to the respondents, stratified random sampling and the Kumar proportionate were adopted. The data for the study was gathered with a four-point Likert scale questionnaire. The study revealed that internal audit has statistical significance association on fraud prevention in manufacturing organization, also that internal audit has statistical significance association on fraud detection in manufacturing organization and finally, internal audit has no statistically significant association on fraud remediation in a manufacturing organization. The study concludes the failure of the management to adopt the services of the internal auditor in an organization can lead to fraud, loss of finance and lack of accountability. The study recommends that since services of a qualified internal auditor have statistical association on fraud prevention, detection and remediation in manufacturing company, management should always adopt the services of the Internal auditors in the firm so as to ensure no financial leakages and accountability in the firm.

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