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Performance response of feedlot Bunaji Bulls to dietary inclusion of Thaumatococcus Daniellii leaf meal


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This research is on Performance response of feedlot Bunaji Bulls to dietary inclusion of Thaumatococcus Daniellii leaf meal. The study was conducted using the Completely Randomized Design. Twelve bulls were allotted into four groups of three animals each and each animal served as a replicate. The twelve Bunaji bulls were fed daily, for  90 days, the experimental diet at 3.0% of their body weight while forages and water were given ad libitum. The experimental diet comprised of maize offal, rice offal, palm kernel cake, melon seed husk, soymilk residue, soybeans haulms, bone ash, salt and the test ingredient Thaumatococcus Daniellii leaf meal which was included at 0%, 5%, 7.5% and 10% in the various diets corresponding to T1, T2, T3, and T4 respectively.

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