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Statistical analysis of indecent dressing in tertiary institutions




Statistical analysis of indecent dressing in tertiary institutions. The study examined the implications of indecent dressing among students of the Delta State Polytechnic. The study combined a sample of students and staff and data were obtained using questionnaires and further analyzed using mean ranking analysis and chi-square. The result of the analysis indicated that there are certain effects that indecent dressing poses on students. The result of the study revealed that students who dress fashionably indecently are likely to experience poor performance in tertiary institutions as the lecturers are often distracted which invariably affects their performance and in turn affects students’ learning outcomes. The study also revealed that the event of indecency in students dressing is more likely to encourage and result in the incidence of sexual harassment from fellow students and the general public. The study also found that of all the potential forms of indecent dressing examined, forms such as exposure of breast among girls, sagging of trousers among both genders, and wearing body hugging and tight clothes among girls were generally considered as being indecent among students. It was concluded from the result of the study that sexual harassment is a major risk that students who dressed indecently face publicly in tertiary institutions. Also, students’ way of dressing has a significant impact on lecturers’ concentration and efficiency which indirectly affected students learning outcomes. Again it was concluded that major forms of indecent dressing among students in tertiary institutions include exposure of breast, sagging of trousers, exposure of body parts, and tight clothing..

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