

Statistical analysis of rape cases in Nigeria under Covid-19 pandemic lockdown




Statistical analysis of rape cases in Nigeria under Covid-19 pandemic lockdown. In this study, an attempt was made on explaining the trend pattern of rape cases in Nigeria as well as factors contributing to the reported cases of rape. In this view, secondary data were obtained for the period of 2000– 2020 on rape cases and two potential factors associated with the occurrence of rape in society. The variables, youth unemployment rate and homelessness were hypothesized as responsible factors influencing the events of rape in Nigeria. The data were evaluated using the time series analysis and regression. The result indicated an uptrend in the cases of rape in Nigeria especially during the pandemic lockdown where the trend spiked up significantly above other years. Also, the study found that the variables hypothesized were found to be significant factors influencing rape cases in Nigeria. Resulting from the findings that the trend pattern of rape cases in Nigeria is up trending and that an increase in the number of unemployed youths and number of homeless people will trigger a corresponding increase in the reported cases of rape in the Nigeria society, it was therefore concluded that the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown that held all residents of the country idle, prompted an increase in the cases of rape in Nigeria.

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