


This project is on The effect of herbarium technique.


Collection, processing, and classification of plant, leaves specimens covering eight (8) families of plants with eight different species was done. This technique was done to establish a herbarium for the biology laboratory of science laboratory technology, IMT Enugu at its campus III of the eight families covered, six were monocotyledon and these were families, Enphobiaceae, Myrtaceae, Gramineae, Meliaceae and Compositae while two others were of Dicotyledon’s families, Papilionacea and Papilionacea and all these were Angiosperm. The plant specimens were systematically lodged in the herbarium cabinet in which they were appropriately labeled for future use. The procedures and technique involved careful collection of plant specimens, laying of the specimens, pressing, drying, mounting, identification, documentation, and storage of the plant specimens (leaves).

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