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The effects of improper solid waste disposal on the health of inhabitants of Pandogarirafi local overnment area of Niger state

Original price was: ₦3,200.00.Current price is: ₦3,000.00.



This research work is on The effects of improper solid waste disposal on the health of inhabitants of Pandogarirafi local overnment area of Niger state. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of improper solid waste disposal on the health of the inhabitant of Pandogari Rafi Local Government Area of Niger state. In the process of satisfying our daily requirement of food, shelter, dressing, transport, entertainments, health care etc: we often tend to discard or throw away some of our previously valued belongings household properties, food, dress, etc. which are of less use and are no longer needed. Such materials which are no longer meets the needs of the owner and are discarded are called waste. When waste e.g. solid wastes are not properly managed/disposed of they cause deleterious effects on human health and to the environment, they affect soil/land pollution flies infestation, odour nuisance etc. which as a result of these many diseases may occur e.g. cholera, dysentery, typhoid fever, respiratory tract diseases etc. Demographical data and variables on the effect of improper solid waste disposal on the health of the inhabitant of the study area were used to collect information from fifty-one (51) respondents. Simple frequency and percentage were used to analyze the data. The result from the analysis revealed that the majority of the inhabitant of the study area adopted open dumping and burning as their methods of solid waste disposal and these have effects on their health as a community. It is therefore recommended that the government should put more effort into ameliorating the peril and also should employ and train more environmental health officers so that they can educate the people of Pandogari on the effects of improper solid waste disposal and how it can be controlled.

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