This project looked into the effectiveness of market segmentation in the sale of textile products using Aba Textile Mills as a case study. Market segmentation as defined by Stanton W. J. et al 1991, p. 84 is the process of dividing the total heterogeneous market for goods or services into several segments, each of which tends to be homogeneous in all significant aspects. For easy communication between the consumer and an organization, the organization can use one or more of four market segment elements to segment their products. For an easy understanding of the work, the project is dividing into chapters, chapter one of this project sees into the background of the study. The objective of the study is also stated in chapter one, hence, the objective was focused to determine the importance of effective it will be in applying market segmentation in the sale of their products. Chapter two reviews all about market segments in an organization, here, the four elements of market segments were elaborated. Chapter three looks into the method used in data collection, the instruments used in data collection, population of the study, sampling united and discrimination of data analysis tools. In this chapter, the sources of data collection, this means that questionnaires, oral interview and textbooks were used to collect data for the study. The population of the study was taken from the Marketing department, Purchasing department, Personnel department and accounting department of Aba Textile Mills and the sampling units. Chapter four is an analysis and presentation of results and analysis of questionnaires. Chapter five is the summary, conclusion and recommendations.
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