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The concept of personnel management is a common term to mean management of staff in an organisation. The conceptual approach refers to the administration of staff matters in an organisations. The operational approach deals with what personnel officers naturally do. The major functions of personnel management deal with the general administration perform by personnel officers such as staffing, training programs, salary, administration, motivation of workers, integration of the worker force and separation matters.

Personnel management is also responsible for handling staff matters such as recruitment, selection and placement of employees in their various places of work in organisation, compensation, fringe benefit, integration of workers or brings together the interest of the worker with that of the organisation objectives, so that worker don’t pursue their personal goals, motivation or understanding the needs of the workers which brings better integration and separation of workers through retirement, termination, dismissal of appointment and death.

It is much easier to describe what personnel officer do than it is to define difference between an effective and an ineffective one. The personnel officers often conduct his operating function without yardstick of excellence and merely rate himself/herself against certain checklists of activities which are carried on my many personnel officers have been excessively concerned in recent years with activity and some what less about input. The systemof management by (MBO) proposes that the first step in managing would be a clear definition of output expected. This would then followed by taking count of limited resource available to achieve the objective and then the conduct and control of activities. Because of the importance to personnel management in an organisation especially the teachers have choose this topic with a case study of National television authority and also that their various instruments of data collection will be explored and these includes, the questionnaire, interview and documentary method.


Nigerian Television Authority was inaugurated in May 1977 although Decree 24 of 1977 was promulgated in March 1977 having effect from April 1976. By that Decree the Nigerian Television Authority became the only body empowered to undertake television broadcasting in Nigeria.
All existing state Television stations were thereby taken over and incorporated in NTA. The Authority was organised on the six zones structure such that each zone consist of 3 stations except for one which is made of four stations. The production Centres exist in each state to contribute programmes to the zonal output. When all the installations, have been completed, it should be possible for anyone in Nigeria to receive any of the six zonal programmes by choice. In 1977, when the NTA was inaugurated, there were 7 stations with 3 in their final stages of commissioning whilst the other states had none at all.
By December 1979, there were scheduled Television broadcasts from every state capital in the country.


The National television authority is vested with among others, the powers of appointment of all persons into the State Civil Service, confirmation of appointment, discipline, promotion, retirement, withdrawal of service, advancement, transfer of service, acceptance or otherwise of resignation of appointment as established by the provision of the Federal Republic of Nigeria constitution 1999. In exercising these powers, the commission is guided by the provision of the scheme of service, civil service rules, civil service regulations, establishment circulars and any other rules and regulations that might be enforced from time to time.


It is the responsibility of the personnel department to recruit, select and place staff in the various sections in line with the general personnel policy of the organization.

It is apparent that recruitment officers in national television authority were not able to recruit employees due to embargo placed on employment into government organisation with that circular, they do not seem to determine and locate its personnel requirement and are not given first hand to effectively recruit, select and place employee from identifiable sources for efficient performance in order to attain the set objectives.

The research desire is to find the methods and processes that recruitment, selection and placement could be personnel policy. This study is addressing the following problem question

(1) Does national television authority occasionally have vacancies to be filled?

(2) What are the methods of filling these vacancies?

(3) What are the sources of personnel for filling these vacancies?

(4) Does national television authority fill the vacancies available quotably within the local government in the state?

(5) Does civil service recruit, select and place employees to fill these vacancies?

(6) Has it clearly defined recruitment policy?

(7) Does it conduct the preliminary interview?

(8) Does it shortlist applicants for interview?

(9) Doe sit conduct employment interview?

(10) Is recruitment, selection, and placement in civil service mostly by internal advertisement?

(11) Does the staff responsible for recruitment, selection and placement have enough knowledge of selection process?

(12) Is there enough trained personnel in the NTA engaged in the recruitment, selection and placement process?

(13) Does proper recruitment, selection and placement enhance productivity?


The research work is aimed at examining critically the procedure or policies that might exist during the course of exercising the recruitment, selection and placement exercise in National television authority and also to enable know the system they are operating on:

(1) To identify the problems concerning recruitment, selection and placement in Edo state.

(2) To explain recruitment, selection and placement according to finding from civil service.

(3) To distinguish between recruitment, selection and placement.

(4) To discover whether the national television authority Edo state is making use of quota system or fair representation among their local government in state civil service.


The major significance of this research is that it will serve as an addition to advance the research on recruitment, selection and placement in various states, civil service, parastatals etc. It will also serve as a foundation for further research by students and other researchers.


This study is limited to National television authority and especially the personnel management and its responsibility in recruitment, selection and placement of employees and to see its effectiveness and efficiencies.

It is the scope of the research to find out how recruitment, selection and placement standard are, and between 2015 to 2016


The research while collecting the data for this research work, the researcher encountered so many problems some of them are:

(1) The management of National television authority was not willing to give us data on some of their activities and especially of their annual reports.

(2) The researcher also faced a problem compiling the data on the historical background of the case study (National television authority).

(3) The researcher has to use his case study office at Edo because some of the information needed could not be found.


To achieve the purpose of this study, the researcher have to formulate or put forward the following hypothesis or assumption, which would be tested by investigation, so as to either accept or reject the hypothesis.

Ho : The method of recruitment, selection and placement by the national television authority Edo has adequately satisfied the personnel policy of the ministries and department in the state.

HI : That recruitment, selection and placement by the national television authority Edo has not improved the personnel objectives of the Ministries, board and parastatals in the state.


Compensation: Entitlement given to workers at the end of the month as salary or on the retirement of worker as pension and gratuity

Integration: Coordination of workers from various departments to achieve the organisation goals.

Motivation: An incentive given to workers as a resort of inducement to be more effective in their worker

Personnel Department: It is the department that is charged with the responsibility of recruitment, selection and placement, promotion, training, termination, dismissal, transfer etc.

Placement: When a new applicant is recruited in an organization, he/she will be placed or assigned to a position suitable to his/her qualification or placed in a vacant place.

Recruitment: When employed in service of suitable candidate or person to fill a vacant position in an organisation i.e taking a new member.

Selection: A series of steps which an organisation establishes for each job applicant to successfully complete before a final hiring decision can be made.

Separation: This is where a staff is no longer to live together with his organisation either as a result of retirement, dismissal, termination of appointment, withdrawal/resignation etc.

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