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The field of motivation is a very wide one.  However, the researchers set out to see how motivation works in a management set using EMENITE LTD as a case study.  The concentration is also on the secretary in order to reduce generalization and focus on a specific management personnel.  A general introduction of chapter is presented to relate management to motivation as well as the secretary to management.

A literature review is also given to see the direction others related literatures similar to the researchers’ title have followed.  In doing so, attempts have been made to improve on notice lapses.  This is joined in a chapter with theoretical framework of motivation.  Therein the researchers dealt extensively into renowned theories including Abraham Maslow’s Hygiene Factors, McGregor’s theories X and Y, Frederick Herzberg’s theory, Victor Vroom’s expectancy theory.

The researchers equally defines the objectives of the study which include identifying motivation factors that affects secretary on job performance and identifying environments which make the secretary either efficient or inefficient.  As a prelude to the case study data analysis, a number of questions were asked each revolving round the stated objective.

The researchers devotes a lengthy space to data analysis presented tabularly in chapter four after which recommendations are put forward in chapter five.  The objectives as the introduction says is to identify motivational factors which enhances the secretary’s performance.  No doubt the objective is achieved to a large extent going by the researchers’ recommendations and conclusions.



1.1              Introduction

1.2              Background of the study

1.3              Statement of the problem

1.4              Purpose of the study

1.5              Significance of the study

1.6              Scope and limitation of the study

1.7              Research questions

CHAPTER TWO: Literature Review

2.1              Introduction

2.2              Definition of motivation and secretary

2.3              Duties of the secretary

2.4              How motivational factors boost the morale of the secretary

2.5              Benefits of motivation to the entire work force

2.6              Problems of lack of motivation to the Nigerian workers

2.7              Recommendation on the best three motivation techniques that enhances the performance of the secretary

2.8              Summary of the related literature review

CHAPTER THREE:  Research Methodology

3.1              Research Design

3.2              Sources of data collection

3.3              Description of the population of the study

3.4              Instrumentation

3.5              Method of analysis

3.6              Population of study

3.7              Area of study

3.8              Sample Size

3.9              Establishment of Validity of the instrument

CHAPTER FOUR:  Presentation and Analysis of data

4.1              Research Question

4.2              Characteristics of Respondent

4.3              Summary of the findings

CHAPTER FIVE:  Summary of findings

5.1              Summary of findings

5.2              Conclusion

5.3              Recommendation

5.4              Questionnaire


CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION1.1       “Management” has been defined by various scholars in different ways. Some say it is made up of “the owners or Directors of an organization” or a system by which diverse resources are utilized in such a way that pre planned economic performances are achieved”. The Gloss any of Marketing Terms” , gives additional meaning to this definition as “comprising the interlocking activities of planning, organising, staffing, directing, controlling and co-ordinating using all liaison and communication resources available to the end”.

These definitions by different scholars are very important to this study as we can easily see the position and importance of the secretary as well as the need for her efficiency and how she can be motivated towards contributing to profits of the organization.


Emenite Limited, a member of the Belgian Etex Group started operation in 1963 under the name ‘Turners Asbertos Cement Company Nigeria Limited’. The company was incorporated in 1961 with registration number Rc 2712 and the shareholding were as follows:

Turners and Newall Limited               – 80%

Government of Eastern Nigeria          – 20%

Due to indigenization decree of 1973, the shareholding of the company changed as follows:

Turners and Newall Limited               – 60%

Government of Eastern Nigeria          – 40%

With the name of the company changing to Turners Building Products (Emene)

Owing to dwindling fortunes of the company, in March 24, 1988, Turners and New all Limited divested its interest in the company and transferred 51% of its Shareholding to Entrepreneur Societe Anonyme of Belgium (Now Etex Group S.A) and the balance of 49% went to the then Anambra and Imo States, now Anambra, Enugu, Imo, Abia and Eboyi State. As a result of the new shareholding arrangement, the company changed its name to Emenite Limited as is presently known.

Emenite Limited Specializes in the production of Roofing Products an leiting products. Under the Roofing Products, they have: Bigsix corrugated Sheets (Grey, Red, and Gren colour) 1086mm x 2400mm, Prestige Concrete tile, ultimate corrugated sheets to mention but a few.

Also under the leiting products, they have Emenite flat sheet, Duraceit decorative Ceiling, Emlux decorative Ceiling and so on. The above products of Emenite are made from fibre and cement and very qualitative in building. No wounder Emenite has a slogun which says “Wherever people builds, there comes Emenite”.

Emenite Limited, just like every organization has a very grod aim. Hence their aim is to be the leader in the manufacture and sale of high quality building products with zero waste management, culture and to sustain the business in a profitable manner with the knowledge that Emenite will stand by its customers while continually improving the creativity, motivation and safety of all their employees.

Judging from their aims one will see that they are not far from it since it has achieved almost all as this is made manifest in the benefits its customers derives which includes:

Universal application

Non combustible

Strong and hang lasting

Rof and Rust free.


Wide range of accessories

Cost effectiveness

Completely weather proof and

Available in different Colours.

It is interesting and worth mentioning that Emenite has in addition to their numerous products launched (Duratile) into the market on 25th day of November 2001 in Enugu State in the first instance, and other areas later.

Before now, Emenite produces flower pot, pipes used for water and other things. But thanks to Emenite for improving on their products. Their products range are sold through  a wide range of distributor network located in such a place that will be close to project sites. They also offer free pre and after sales technical advice to ensure, that their customers enjoy problem free roof.

Consequently, Emenite Limited was Certified to 150 9001-2000 in 1998, 2002, and are the first to obtain such international Standard East of the Niger. This entaits that their products could be sold in any market both locally and internationally.


As the title suggests, the main problem of this project is to study the Effect of Motivation on job performance of a secretary. In other words, the research is aimed at knowing those factors that will normally increase the job performance and efficiently in an organization. For instance, the study/research wants to know if “Motivation” ends only when a secretary’s salary is increased regularly or when she is promoted or given commendations by her supervisors. On the other hand, would she be inefficient if she is not given medical facilities or if she is not aware of the company’s corporate goals. The research intends to unravel these and many other questions through the case study. This therefore obvious that lack of motivation affects the morale and spirit to;’ work. Inadequate motivation produce, anegaline work attitude.


The performance of secretaries in Emenite Limited has been regarded as both inefficient and ineffective. As already stated, the secretary occupies an important position in the organization. Hence it will not be surprising to say that behind every successful boss, there is an efficient secretary. Such importance requires that she must put in her best, display her talent and integrity and demonstrate a high level of proffesionalism. What factors make her to achieve her best, how can she achieve high efficiency? Hence it is the aim of this study to find answer to these questions with the following objectives

i.                    To identify the factors which the secretary will regard as motivational.

ii.                  To examine the relationship between motivation and secretary’s performance in an organization.

iii.                To identify an environment which will make the secretary either efficient or inefficient.

iv.                To have an indepth knowledge on the effects the motivation of secretaries has on their job performance.

v.                  To meet practicing secretaries to get on the spot assessment of how best secretaries can attain the pinnucle of their profession.

vi.                To drive at reasonable conclusion and make recommendations that will enable the secretary to achieve high efficiency as a professional.


On completion of this work, administrators will be supplied with important information relating to motivation and its effects on secretary’s performance.

Also, it will reveal how adequately secretaries are motivated in Emenite Limited Enugu.

Again in the field of academics, it will constitute an enormous contribution in the field of business Administration.

This petce of work will in addition be an invaluable material for future researchers who would like to do more research work on motivation as a tool for improving secretaries performance.

It is just the above mentioned, it will enhance general understanding about organisational efficiency and will be our humble wish to contribute to the national strive towards finding a feasible and lasting solutions to the problem of inefficiency in our organization.

Lastly, it is our firm belief that this study will be of immense benefit and of great use of the generality of the public.

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