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Utilization of CUSUM control outline for checking HIV-AIDS patients in Oghara metropolis




Utilization of CUSUM control outline for checking HIV-AIDS patients in Oghara metropolis. The incidence and spread of HIV are of great concern to the health sector as statistics have shown the high rate of HIV infection among Nigerians has ranked Nigeria third highest infected in the world. These reports have caught the attention of medical experts and efforts have been put to curb the spread and suppress the mortality rate, yet new cases emerge daily. The Cumulative Sum (CUSUM) chart is applied to monitor the increase (changes) in the number of HIV/AIDS incidences in Nigeria using the screening result of HIV/AIDS data in Oghara General Hospital. Instead of using the traditional and most common x-bar chart, the study utilized the CUSUM. The result reported that the cases of HIV were found to be adequately in control using the ordinary x-bar variable control chart which is contrary to our developed CUSUM chart which detected in the same dataset that there is a shift in the control process of the reported cases of HIV. With regards to the research findings, it was concluded that CUSUM (Cumulative Sum) charts improve the ability to detect small shifts and that the CUSUM chart is far superior to the Individuals chart in detecting this small shift. It was therefore concluded that the reported cases of HIV are changing positively and this is an indication for public health risk since the CUSUM chart found that some points exceeded the control limit.

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