

The effects of security challenges on sustainable development in Nigeria (a case study of Kogi state)



The effects of security challenges on sustainable development in Nigeria (a case study of Kogi state).


The study focuses on the effects of security challenges on sustainable development in Nigeria using Kogi State as case study. The objectives of this project are:  to examine the major reasons for insecurity in Nigeria, and to determine the root causes of security challenges in Nigeria. to assess the impacts of security challenges on socio-economic development in Nigeria and to evaluate the possible solution to security challenges.  The methodology adopted in gathering data was descriptive method, both the primary and secondary methods. The major instrument used to gather data from primary source is the questionnaire. From a population of 4,473,500, a sample size of 400 respondents was selected using simple taro Yamane formula. Findings revealed that Insecurity has implications on sustainable development in Nigeria and it can hinder the socio economic development of Nigeria Insecurity has brought about instability of the economy, division, fear, suspicious, intolerance, disunity and displacement of people. Both foreign and local investors are scared away from Nigeria and this has increased, the rate of unemployment in the country. The menace of insecurity has become a thorn in the flesh of Nigeria Insecurity leads to hunger, poverty, inflation and high cost of food.  it was recommended that The religious bodies and government should liaise together in the inculcation of morals into the populace in order to enhance security. Government should lay more emphasis on the teaching of religious education at all levels of education to inculcate good morals into the youths to reduce Furthermore, the government should increase the size of Nigeria’s security agencies, empower and motivate them very well and strengthen neighborhood watch.

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