

Statistical analysis of reported cases of road traffic accidents in Imo state (1997-2003)




Statistical analysis of reported cases of road traffic accidents in Imo state (1997-2003). This project is to determine the level and rate of road traffic accidents in Imo state Data from the Federal Road Safety Commission was used to find out the prevalence of Road Traffic Accidents over a years period (1997-2003) and to know if there were any dedication to be made. It was discovered that over the selected period of study, the number of road traffic accidents that occurred each year did not follow any significant trend. The trend equation is ya + bt, based on the equation the projection for the 4th quarter of 2007 will be 132.6319. Also, the season noticed that majority of the road users involved in road traffic accidents were on motorcycles. It was noticed also that on the whole, more males were victims of road traffic accidents than females.

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