

The role of print media in sports football development in Nigeria – case study of Federal Polytechnic Nekede




The role of print media in sports football development in Nigeria – case study of Federal Polytechnic Nekede. This project work on the role of the print media as an instrument for sports development focusing on Nigeria is a research on how development communication can be used for sports development. Several years after independence Nigeria like every other country in the third world have remained started in their development. Times upon times, volumes upon volumes have been written and published by experts and even non- experts on the concept of communication for development. Yet the so-called less developed or developing counties have not made any significant progress in their growth and development. Why is this so And how can this trend be reversed for third world nations like Nigeria The objectives of this study as stated in chapter one is to give a good definition of what sports development is in addition it also seeks to measure how the Nigerian print media have contributed their own quote to the development process and recommend a systematic way in which the print media communication in the country. The research methodology for this study is a survey. In this case a questionnaire was designed for the purpose and personal visits to the Federal Polytechnic Nekede. The results of the study presented in chapter four justify the research hypothesis. The print media is an effective tool for sports development if properly organized for effective development communication. Chapter five contains a summary and conclusion of the project.

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