


Design of Nysc Orientation Camp Owerri Imo


The fact that Nigeria could embark on and sustain a three year civil war dedicatee to the simple but basic slogan that “to keep Nigeria one is a task that must be done marked the turning point in the inevitable long drawn process of welding together into one nation the adverse people that together make up Nigerian. This is not the place to agree about the right and wrongs of the events that led to the civil war but the point which is being made is fact that our  willingness to sure Nigeria from disintegration at colossal, human and materials lost was the  beginning  of the foundation of modern Nigeria. The them, federal military government realized that more positive measures were called for to consolidate our gains in the task of nation building and integration in order to make further progress possible. It had become abundantly dear to discerning observes of the nigerian political science that to build enduring national unity.

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