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Abstract Revenue generation is a means through which government establishment hunt for money which will be accountable to the government purse for the execution of its project and the money collected from different areas like market, advertising etc. can be kept by a group of people. The government, in this case, excepts members of the society to contribute to the affair of the nation. The rate of contribution depends on one’s income individual contribution according to their income rate, groups, or companies contributes according to their size. The money generated through this means is used by the governments to accomplish its budget proposals. The government mapped out different means of revenue generation and all these tend to provide funds for societal development. Revenue generation is a bulk task compilation of list from receipt issued where the complex calculation is involved to produce rate according to income earning or size of the organization. Keeping records of data collected and fast retrieval is also difficult through the existing system. The existing manual system towards the compilation of revenue from the premises unit makes it look difficult and also it enhances fraud and delays development. The new system developed in this project work takes scare all the problems arising from the old manual system. 

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