

Leadership style adopted by managers and its effect on labour productive (a study of First bank plc, Afikpo bank)

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This research work looks at Leadership style adopted by managers and its effect on labour productive (a study of First bank plc, Afikpo bank). The exercise of power implies making things happen through others, this study has been divided into six chapters. Chapter one comprises the Background to the study, statement of problem, purpose of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitations of the study, research questions and definitions of terms. Chapter two deals with the literature review. In this chapter, were definition of terms by different authors. Chapter three was on the research methodology with sample size drawn from the research population through interviews and questionnaires. Chapter four was on presentation and analysis of data, frequency table and percentages. Chapter five dealt on discussion of findings. It is the sub-topic the findings based on the data analyzed. Summary, conclusion and recommendations.

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