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Annotated bibliography on information and communication technology

Original price was: ₦3,200.00.Current price is: ₦3,000.00.



This project is all about Annotated bibliography on information and communication technology, with objective of identifying the relevance of bibliographies to ICTs and recommending ways of ensuring paper bibliographic control on ICT. The topic used American Psychological Association (APA) style format, with 200 entries. The annotations cover areas such as use of ICTs in libraries, business and for socio – economic development, using newspaper, and scholarly journals. The literature reviewed identify the challenges associated with the compilation of bibliography such as poor funding, inadequate training, and lack of resources and facilitates among others. The recommended solutions include proper and decentralized compilations of national bibliography, poor training, and revisions of national curriculum on bibliographies, among others. Keywords: Annotated bibliography, Compilation, Information, Communication, Technology. 

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