This project looks at Assessment of nutritional pattern and practice among pregnant women in holy rosary hospital. The research study was on Assessment of Nutritional pattern and practice among pregnant women in Holy Rosary Hospital Emekuku. The aim of this study is to know the various types of nutritional patterns by pregnant women in Holy Rosary Hospital Emekuku. Its significance is to help expectant mothers choose a perfect nutritional pattern, improve positive outcome of their pregnancy and help to reduce maternal morbidity and maternal rate. This study adopted a descriptive survey research design method and utilized simple random sampling techniques to select the sample size. The instrument used was structured questionnaire which was administered to 90 participants and 80 were collected. The data collected was analyzed and presented using the percentile table and bar chart. The findings from this study show that pregnant women practice poor nutritional patterns like taking many starchy foods with little or no protein and taking various foods without minding their nutritional content. From this finding, early registration for antenatal care, health education during antenatal visits and monitoring these women to know if they really practice what they are being taught by nurses and midwives can improve their nutritional pattern. Finally, the researcher believes that if the recommended suggestions are followed, the problem associated with poor nutritional patterns will be solved.
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