

Design and implementation of an expert system for printer troubleshooting

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Abstract Expert systems use human knowledge often stored as rules within the computer to solve problems that generally would entail human intelligence. Today, with information systems turning out to be more pervasive and with the myriad advances in information technologies, automating computer fault diagnosis is becoming so fundamental that soon every enterprise has to endorse it. Therefore, the objective of this study is to develop an expert system called Expert printer Troubleshooter for diagnosing printer problems. The system is composed of a user interface, a rule-base, an inference engine, and an expert interface. Additionally, the system features a fuzzy-logic module to troubleshoot POST beep errors and an intelligent agent that assists in the knowledge Acquisition process. Also, the motivation of this study the researcher chose to research on this topic“expect system for printer” because the proposed system is meant to automate the maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO) process, and free-up human technicians from manually performing routine, laborious, and time-consuming Maintenance tasks. Meanwhile, the manual method so far has its attendant problem of being tedious. However, SSADM as the research methodology was used which means structured system analysis and design methodology which is an internationally accepted software engineering model mainly used in most result-oriented analysis. Also, the system was developed using visual basic programming language. 

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