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Covid-19 help desk information system is a system that enables the masses/people to get assistance on questions/issues related to Corona Virus at their comfort zone also enable faster contact tracing because the community will be working directly with NCDC to facilitate their effort in combating this pandemic. The following problems were encountered in the current system; patients go through stress while trying to get covid19 information/assistance. Patient records are not easily retrieved in case of an emergency. People living far off are unable to get information. The aim of this project is to design a Covid-19 help desk information system. The following objectives were met; reduce the amount of stress patients pass through in the process of getting Covid19 information, ensure that patients seek help from the comfort of their home with just any internet-enabled device and ensuring easy retrieval of patient records. The methodology to be used is the Structured System Analysis and Design Methodology. This was considered because it breaks down the project into smaller phases that can easily be managed and achieved. The tools to be used for the development of the new system are PHP for the back end, Javascript for the Front End and MySQL for the Database Administration. The new system when fully implemented will enhance the daily operations.

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