


Original price was: ₦3,200.00.Current price is: ₦3,000.00.



The emergence of Internet and portable devices like Laptops/PDAs and mobile phones have bought a great change in the communication and entertainment world. However, unfortunately, the teaching and learning methodologies in the secondary schools and pre-university colleges in India have remained almost stagnant over the last several years. There have been few rigorous efforts, especially, in Europe and USA to enhance the education system using the latest technological tools. However, the outcome has not yet been very desirable.

This work aims to use the mobile phones and other handheld devices as e/m-learning pedagogical tools in order to enhance technology enabled interactive learning, keeping in mind the affordability and usability of proposed technology in emerging economies/developing countries like India , China , etc. We have developed a prototype for interactive wireless education solution with two independent yet complimentary components clicker response system and m-learning application, in order to cater to two different spectrums of users.

The low cost clicker response system is developed primarily for students in schools and colleges, while the m-learning application is being developed for students in colleges and professional institutions, keeping in mind the fact that most of the students today in these institutions have Bluetooth enabled mobile phones. This not only enables interactive learning using wireless devices but also provides multimedia based bidirectional transfer of information between the students and the teacher.



Virtual e learning is a system designed to help students gain access and acquire knowledge in any university of their choice. It can include: Enhance face to face instruction on campus, in class use of computer and the World Wide Web WWW, enhanced distance education on or off campus individuals and group learning with both print and computer-based materials instruction entirely on line individual and group learning because of this mix virtual classroom and text based e learning knowledge is moving towards every student being an e learner at last for part of their study, whether through learning materials, email for contacting teachers/ tutors or any one of their myriad other e-learning applications.

Online learning results to learning and other supportive resources that are available through a computer and it includes computer based training, computer based instruction and technology. The e-learning system use text messages to deliver information and data. Student or e-learners will be in their computer receiving lectures as if they are in classroom. This has gone a long way helping e-learners to acquire degree in the institution they have never seen.


Internet as global connection of computers sited around the world forming huge network for information to be shared and disseminated by many millions of people has done so well in information technology and in education so to speak. Virtual classroom and text-based e-learning cannot be an exception. Often times students experience a lot of difficult in the quest for basic knowledge from higher institution of their choice, not for the fact that the person doesn’t have resources to acquire them but the risk in travelling from the said institution wherever the person might be pose problems. In order to reduce these risks, satellite computer were established but did not solve the problem of travelling out from ones location to the said location in quest for knowledge.

In this regard, any institution can compete with the foreign institutions, this sometimes reduces the number of students enrolment in the school to the above obstacles, the system virtual e learning will be designed for any institution which are ready to have thousands of student in which she doesn’t provide any a accommodation or any structure for and still gain much grounds economically and student all over the world suffer less in having any institutions certificate.

This system is designed that before anybody can participate must first register. Students have free registration form. But lecturers must provide their staff number that tally with their surnames before the administrator can add them as lecturers.


Due to the problems students and lecturers find and experiences, it has never been easy for students to acquire basic and necessary education in any institution one wishes irrespective of the fact that lecturers sometimes are not available due to other pursuit in life and so making students to lose their lectures for the day. This poses a lot of problems sometimes they will embrace not going to school at all and their curriculum not covered for the semester. It is very impossible for a student in America or any other country coming to any university or polytechnic in Nigeria everyday for lectures more so, it will be impossible for lecturers going to America or any other country where the students might be located everyday to deliver lectures.

Sometimes if number of students increase reduction in student admission will be affected in order to provided adequate structures where they can have their lectures. The above views are what gave birth to the research work in order to find solution to them.


The aim of this research is to provide the student all the information needed in any course they are suppose to have at any given time of that lectures. Again to assume that student and lecturers meet the current curriculum they are suppose to cover each semester through the web cam or text based e-learning system.


The project is concerned with the virtual e-learning system files that are transferable and streamable by different users within the net. It should be in form of text file .txt, rich text files .rtf etc.


ELECTRICITY: Without electrical power supply the system is not functional because the computer system must be on for an individual to access the net

INADEQUATE NETWOK: This system only works when an individual is online, and so when there is no internet service they purpose of the system is not actualized.

The researcher uncounted some difficulties which limited his effort in completing the research the way it is suppose to be. Difficulties like finding out the staff identity numbers and also materials to be added on the system to make it rich, this project is a tasking one which demands time, money and commitments.

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