

Determination of chemical parameters of waste water from artificial fish pond



Determination of chemical parameters of waste water from artificial fish pond.


The analysis of the chemical parameters of waste water from an artificial fish pond was carried out using standard analytical method. The result of the analysis revealed that the water sample of fish pond contained all the analyzed chemical parameters. The result were as follows pH 6.20 + 0.05, dissolve oxygen 8.40 + 0.05, salinity 0.12 + 0.03, total dissolve solid 1132.00 + 0.04, total suspended solid 1543.00 + 0.02, total hardness 346.68 + 0.03 and chemical oxygen demand 62.7 +  0.02. The result of the analysis reveals that pH and DO concentration was within the WHO permissible limit while salinity, TDS, TTS, TH and COD were higher than the WHO standard. Hence proper measures should be taken to reduce the pollution level in fish ponds.

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