

The concentration of heavy metal in the shell and flesh of giant land snail



The concentration of heavy metal in the shell and flesh of giant land snail.


This study investigated the concentration of heavy metal in the shell and flesh of giant land snails (Archachatina marginata) analyzed with standard analytical procedures to establish their normal values. The result for the shell showed the Pb (4.185 + 0.003mg/100g) Cd (2.451 + 0.003mg/100g) Ni (3.759 + 0.013mg/100g) Zn (0.100 + 0.03mg/100g) and Cr (1.637 + 0.006mg/100g). The flesh sample recorded for Pb (0.088+ 0.004) Cd (0.001 + 0.000mg/100g), Cr (0.019 + 0.004mg/100g), Ni (1.500 + 0.007mg/100g) and Zn (2.081 + 0.007mg/100g). The shell generally recorded higher doses of heavy metals than the flesh except for Zinc. Mean values of metallic doses were below the detectable limit 0.001. Doses of Pb, Cd and Cr were below the detectable limit in the flesh sample except for Ni and Zn, and whereas the flesh indicated low bioaccumulation,  the shell was heavily contaminated with metallic doses and therefore should be discarded during processing of snail meat.

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