

Effect of socio-cultural factors on female participation in adult education programme in Ojoo local government area of Lagos state




This research work is on Effect of socio-cultural factors on female participation in adult education programme in Ojoo local government area of Lagos state. This research work empirically explored the effect of socio-cultural factors on female participation in adult education programme in Ojoo local government area of Lagos state. The objectives of this study were to ascertain the level of female participation in adult education programme in Ojoo local government area of Lagos state, establish the relationship socio-cultural factors and female participation in adult education programme in Ojoo local government area of Lagos state, determine measures for improving female participation in adult education programme in Ojoo local government area of Lagos state. The scope of the study is Ojoo local government area of Lagos state, the Feminist Perspective was used as a framework. The research design used for this study is survey, the population targeted for this study consists of the entire population of women that were participating and those that are dropped out from literacy programme in Ojoo local government area of Lagos state, a total of 300 women was used as sample size and cluster sampling technique was applied. The instrument used for this study is the questionnaire. Data collected were collected from primary sources. From the analysis of the data, the findings revealed that women in Ojoo local government area of Lagos state scarcely participate in adult education programmes, there exists a relationship between socio-cultural factors and female participation in adult education programme, as socio-cultural factors affect female participation in adult education programme, proper support is a major strategy to help improve female participation in adult education programme. Following the findings, it was recommended that.

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