

Factors responsible for downturn in male students enrolment in Office Technology and Management Department. OTM



In recent times, there is the observation that males are dropping out of secretarial profession. A critical look at this statement reveals that the secretarial profession is being dominated by females in recent years. The sole aim of every organization is its survival and continuous profitability. As a result of this, employers of labor are making conscious efforts to ensure that organization chavel high caliber of employees who will contribute vigorously to the achievement of the organizational goals and those that are portray good image of the organization. Considering numerous and sensitive nature of secretarial profession, there is need for balanced labor force to save the employers from the problem of whom to employ and whom not to employ. In the past, secretarial profession was perceived to be for females only and that males who engage in it do so as a last resort. Some have impression that secretaries are females who took down notes and correspondence like shorthand and transcribe on the typewriter for male executives or managers. A female manager organize and run small offices for their male employers, they carry out all office jobs ranging from hiring junior staff keeping cash book and arranging for the day- to- day office routines. They are also regarded as a mediator between the channel of communication between their employers and the rest of the staff with constant demand on their ability. Furthermore, they are expected to tactful, loyal, efficient and discrete and maintain confidentiality. They are expected to put in all their energies and enthusiasm to their employer?s interest, protecting him from undesirable demand and interruptions. This assumption about secretaries in the past as ?female who run office for male employers or boss? is not the case these days. Recent analysis has shown that the advancement of Office Technology and Management profession was expanded and this is becoming more complex and challenging the roles of secretaries have increased tremendously to include other functions which are of great importance to any organization these made it possible for male to engage in the profession not as a last resort once more. At least in out of five secretaries two are males.
National Secretarial Association of the United State of America defines a secretary as an executive assistance, posing a good mastery of office skills and ability to assume responsibilities without direct supervision, display initiative exercises judgment and make decision within the scope of his/her authority.
Harding (1988) went further to define a secretary as ?one who provides a full range of management support which calls upon in a variety of skills and abilities that would certainly not be prerequisite office staff generally?. In these definitions, we see that secretary is an important officer in any establishment his works has even become more technical especially the advent of computers and other machines
Today, it is observe that many employers, of labor prefer female secretaries to their male counterparts, reason for this have not been attributed to the non- performance of male secretaries but as a result of the fault that female secretaries are more useful in other areas than official duties. Also, male secretaries are perceived to be more assertive than female secretaries and such formed opinion that they will not be submissive to contributed authorities. The issue of down-turn in male students enrolment in secretarial studies department is reaching an alarming properties as industries employ more female secretaries this among others problems gave rise to this topic generally, the problem include that?.
1. It is not known whether parents no longer afford to support their male children financially once they got close to adulthood.
2. It is today a saying that male are becoming impatient with the unemployment status of the male graduates in the society. This gives us a serious concern.
3. We do not know why employers of labor prefer female secretaries to their male counterparts.
4. Some argue that the pronoun ?she? used to mean every category of secretarial profession is meant for females, the male students might be therefore feeling that there is no future to look forward to in the profession.
The major purpose of this study is to investigate the factors responsible for down-turn in male student?s enrolment in Office Technology and Management department especially the study seeks to
1. To find out the causes of decline in male student?s enrolment in Office Technology band Management Department.
2. To ascertain the altitude of male towards Office Technology and Management program.
3. To determine if the image of technology and management studies is poor in the society.
4. To identify if male secretarial students graduate do not secure employment easily.
The significance of this study cannot be over emphasized, the study can be parameter to check the incessant exist of male student?s enrolment from Office Technology and Management Studies.
1 The studies will re- awake interest of male students? enrolment in the study of Office Technology and Management Studies.
2 The study will proffer solution on how to tackle the imbalance supply of quality secretarial staff for our industrial growth particularly now that secretarial functions are very challenging.
3 Furthermore, the outcome of this study will serve as reference for students of Office Technology and Management Studies and lecturers who wish to gain more knowledge on this subjects.
1 What are the sources of down-turn in male student?s enrolment in Office Technology and Management studies Department?
2 To what extent is the image of secretarial studies poor in the society?
3 What are the altitudes of males towards Office Technology and Management studies programme?
4 To what extent do male secretarial graduate secure employment?
The study of the down-turn in male students? enrollment in Office Technology and Management studies department is such that would have taken the researcher too many higher institutions and some organizations but as a result of financial constants.

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