

Field camp exercise report on route survey of a section of Federal Polytechnic Nekede




This project topic is on Field camp exercise report on route survey of a section of Federal Polytechnic Nekede.
This field camp exercise report is on a route survey of a section of Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri, Imo state. The route survey may be defined as the survey operation carried out in establishing the horizontal and vertical alignments of the specified area of land needs for social utilities such as highways, railways, transmission lines, pipelines etc. the route survey entails carrying out a longitudinal/profile sectional leveling, cross-section leveling and detailing of the road. The first two are level exercise that involves a process of measuring the difference in heights between two points on the earth surface. The longitudinal section involves running the measurements along the centerline of the road, while, the cross-section provides information of the heights of either side of the line. The detailed survey involves taking measurements of the current existing features of both sides of the road from the center line. The method employed in this exercise is the traditional ground survey method of data acquisition which includes reconnaissance, monumentation, traversing, leveling and detailing. The field procedures involve taking measurements of coordinates, bearings, distances and height differences using these instruments: GPS, Total station, tape, pegs, and cutlass. The data obtained is processed using Arithmetic Logic Unit and software like Civil CAD to produce a longitudinal section plan, a cross-section plan, a detailed survey plan and a DTM of the road using a suitable scale on a paper medium.

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