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Importance of introducing information technology in the teaching of geography in some selected secondary schools in Kumbotso local government area, Kano state




This project work is on Importance of introducing information technology in the teaching of geography in some selected secondary schools in Kumbotso local government area, Kano state. This research project s aimed at finding out”The Importance of Introducing Information Technology in the Teaching of Geography in Some Selected Secondary Schools of Kumbotso Local Government Area”. The research work has reviewed/literature that is related to the topic. The study adopted a simple random sampling whereby four schools were selected as the sample of the study (i.e. GGSS Chiranci, GSS Panshekara, GSS Kumbotse and GSS Zawaciki) 20 questionnaires were distributed and returned successfully which formed the basis of the data that was presented and analyzed. The findings of the research shows that IT help skills acquisition of the secondary education in Kumbotso local government area and also the school heads showing interest towards the use of information technology appliances in teaching geography as a subject in secondary schools on Kumbotso local government area. Based on the result of this study a number of recommendations were made, there should be adequate orientation to sanitize the people of Kumbotso local government area on the importance of IT. There is need for inculcating in the students the knowledge of IT usage such as browsing with a computer and also ways of operating devices. 

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