

Knowledge and attitude of mothers toward childhood immunization among women attending postnatal clinic in Federal Medical Centre, Gusau




Knowledge and attitude of mothers toward childhood immunization among women attending postnatal clinic in Federal Medical Centre, Gusau. The study was carried out to know the knowledge and attitude of mothers toward childhood immunization among women attending postnatal clinics in FMC, Gusau. The study adopts descriptive survey design, data were collected from mothers using simple random sampling method. The administration of the instruments (questionnaire) was done by the researcher. 50 questionnaires were administered and data was analyzed using bar chart, histogram and mean statistics (X). The research work has 4 items with four rating scale with cut off point of 2.5 and above was considered agreed and less than 2.5 was considered disagreed from the data analysis, it was discovered that the women have knowledge about immunization and they also agreed that immunization help build a child immunity against major killer diseases, hospital schools, mass media religious leaders serves as a means of awareness. Based on the factors that hinder mothers toward childhood immunization all respondent agreed that cultural taboos, lack of accessibility and availability of vaccine which leads to poor immunization coverage.  Based on the strategies to improve mother’s knowledge and attitude toward childhood immunization the respondent agreed that Government should provide the necessary support, accessibility and availability of the immunization services which will improve immunization coverage. Hence, based on the findings of the study, it’s recommended that mothers have knowledge of childhood immunization.

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