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Molecular characterization and identification of bacteria and fungi associated with Pennisetum Americanum (Millet)




Molecular characterization and identification of bacteria and fungi associated with Pennisetum Americanum (Millet). Millet is one of the oldest foods known to humans and possibly the first cereal grain to be used for domestic purposes. Millets have been the main staples of the people of semi-arid tropics of Asia and Africa for centuries where other crops do not grow well. Since ancient times, millet has been widely consumed in Asia and India as well. The tiny“grain” is gluten-free and packed with vitamins and minerals. Millet grain is highly nutritious with good quality protein, rich in minerals, dietary fibre, phytochemicals and vitamins. The result of the biochemical test shows the presence of indole, catalase, glucose, sucrose and citrate. The cultural characteristics of bacteria isolates includes size: 4mm, shape: round, surface: smooth, edge: entire, elevation: flat, texture: shinning, consistency: soft, colour: light-yellow, opacity: transparent. Results of cultural and Cellular Characterization of Fungi Isolate are as follows:Sample A: Pale to bluish violet fluffy mycelia with cream and smooth inverse surface, Fusarium conidium (macroconidium) is fusiform, multi-celled by transverse septa with a characteristics foot-shaped basal all and a pointed to whip-like apical cell, Fusarium sp. Sample B: Dull, dry semi-white or cream coloured with slightly mycelial border, Yeast form, unicellular single budding of the cells may be seen both yeast and pseudo-hyphae are gram positive, Candida albicans. A total of 4 fungi isolate were identified namely: Fusarium sp, Penicillium sp, Rhizopus sp and Candida albicans. A total of 2 bacteria isolate were identified namely: Enterobacter aerogenes and Bacillius cereus. The obtained results unveil the identity of the devastating molecular and characterization of fungi threatening yam availability to consumers. The result of DNA extraction, DNA Amplification, PCR and DNA sequencing are reported in the body of the work..

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