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Multivariate analysis on the performance of students in private polytechnic and government polytechnic – case study of Temple Gate Polytechnic and Abia State Polytechnic, Aba, Abia state




Multivariate analysis on the performance of students in private polytechnic and government polytechnic – case study of Temple Gate Polytechnic and Abia State Polytechnic, Aba, Abia state. The aim of this study is to compare the performance of statistics students in Public and Private Polytechnics in a bid to determine which of them performs better. Scores of students in five selected statistics courses were used in the study. The data were analyzed using Hotellings T statistic. The outcome of the study reveals that significant differences exist between the performances of students of Abia State Polytechnic from those of their counterparts from Temple Gate Polytechnic. Multiple comparison tests show that students of Temple Gate Polytechnic perform better than students of Abia State Polytechnic. Based on the result the following recommendations were made. • Researchers who may wish to extend this work should include more than two departments so as to reach a more reliable conclusion with respect to the performance of public and private polytechnic students. • Department should organize tutorial classes for their students on those courses offered by them in order to measure up with the lapses in the study time. • Students should be giving room to lay their complaints to their various departments through their course adviser on courses they find difficult. • Ensuring that students always engage themselves in practice by giving them exercises in the class and take home assignments regularly. This can arouse the interest of students in various courses related to their course of study thereby causing them to improve academically.

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