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Consequences of child abuse on students academic performance as perceived by secondary school teachers in Ilorin metropolis




This research work is on consequences of child abuse on students academic performance as perceived by secondary school teachers in Ilorin metropolis. This study investigated the consequences of child abuse on students’ academic performance as perceived by secondary school teachers in some selected secondary schools in Ilorin metropolis. A total of two hundred teachers (200) were randomly selected from the secondary schools. The instrument used for the study is questionnaire which is designed for teachers in each selected secondary schools. Two hundred copies of the questionnaire were distributed to the respondents. Statistical methods which include, t-test and analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were used for the analysis of the data collected. Results of the study revealed that consequences of child abuse on students’ academic performance as perceived by teachers ranges from psychological to mental, emotional and physical, it also has negative effect on students academic performance which has adverse effect on the human capital development of the country. In the light of the research findings, conclusions were drowned and relevant recommendations were made.

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