

public relations department of Premier Breweries Ltd Onitsha

The aim of this research was to find out what role and to what extent the public relations department of Premier Breweries Ltd Onitsha would play in trying to improve and maintain good and cordial relationship between the organization and its internal and external publics through image promotion. The aim of every promotion in an organization as well as making the publics understand the importance of that organization. This falls within the folds of PR department of Premier Breweries Onitsha, makers of Premier lager beer, Master larger beer and malt. It carried out this important role in order to meet the organization objectives. The purpose of the study was to prove or disprove these assertion about the organization using three communities-Onitsha, Oko and Nkpor. These communities were for its external publics interviews were used for the public relations department. Research questions were raised to prove or disprove findings. Finally, after findings have been made, the research suggested and recommended some solutions on how to ratify the problems facing the public relations department of the organization in carrying out its image promotional programmes.



1.1 background of the study
Many authorities have contributed immensely to the success of defining public relations. Some scholars believed and wrote on it as act (deed) representing a group or organization.
Public relations is deliberate planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organization and its publics. British institute of public relations (IBPR).
According to Roger Hayward as quoted by Adegoke (2001:1) says that public relations is the propagation of the personality of the organization. This states the importance of communication between the organization and its public. Roger HaywardÕs definition has something to do with the British institute of public RelationÕs (IRPR) definition because both state the duty of public relations officers in promoting, projecting and representing the organization and at the same time relating with the publics of the organization both the internal and external publics. Public relations project the management personality of which the public relations department represents, through their activities with the use of their perspective tools (i.e. print and electronic media).
The aim is to create favorable atmosphere between an organization and its publics.
Sam Lack (1962:62) asserts that public relations involve anything that is focused, improving and enhancing the flow of communication between institution and its publics.
1.2 statement of the problem
This research has observed that in so many organizations, management neither recognize nor appreciate public relations efforts in Nigeria. The management does not realize the public relations activities in building and enhancing a good image for the standard of the organization.
It has been observed that the management attitude is lukewarm and non-challant towards public relations department and their activities. Besides, they donÕt want to spend money on its activities such as organizing seminars workshops, symposium etc. this is because of the errornous and selfish belief to the organization.
Therefore, this study will look at the impact of public relations programmes on the image of business organization, a study of Premier Brewery Onitsha.
1.3 research questions
1. Hw can public relations programme be used in bridging communication gap between organization and its public?
2. What role is public relation programme playing in creating good image for premier Brewery Onitsha?
3. How effective has public relations programmes been to influence the behaviour of their publics?
4. Has public relations programmes been able to create and enhance cordial relationship between the management and workers of Premier Brewery?
5. Does public relations programmes help Premier Brewery during crisis?
1.4 purpose of the study
1. To know how public relations programmes can be used in bringing communication gap between organization and its publics.
2. To study the role of public relations in creating good image for Premier Brewery Onitsha.
3. To examine how effective public relations programmes are in influencing the behaviour of the publics.
4. To study how public relations has been able to create and enhance cordial relationship between the management and workers of Premier Brewery Onitsha
5. To analyze how helpful is public relations programmes to Premier Brewery.
1.5 significance of the study
At the and of this study, the following will benefit from the findings of the study.
Organization: Different organizations will know the benefits of public relations through the result of the findings and how they can use PR for their gain.
Researcher: future researchers who will be researching in the are related to this will find this work relevant.
Students: public relations students and Mass communication students will as well understand the importance of their course of study to the industrial development.
1.6 scope of the study
This study is limited only to the role of public relations programmes on the image of organization. It is also limited to the staff and management of Premier Brewery. Though there are other organizations but because of time and financial constraint this study is limited to this organization.
1.7 limitation of the study
Time: the available time to carry out this study is relatively short, this pose a lot of limitations to the work.
Finance: inadequate finance to travel and browsing for relevant materials is another limitation to the study.
Material: at present there are only few literature materials available on this topic, this is challenging to this work.
1.8 Definition of terms
1. Publics: a group of person with similar aspiration and ideas, interest and characteristics that is of importance to an organization.
2. Public relation: is the deliberate planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organization and its publics.
3. Relations: the way in which two people or group behaves towards each other or deal with one another.
4. Organization: A group of people who form a business together in order to achieve a particular aim or a group with a particular purpose.

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