

purpose of studying the consumer Buying Pattern in Rural community

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Consumer buying pattern varies from one another majority because of the different in purchasing power, taste, choice and environment which could be either rural or urban which is ?CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR?
However, Consumer Behaviour is defined as an action or activities displayed by consumers in searching for and evaluating the best alternatives to purchase their essential needs in terms of goods and services at the possible, low cost which will profitably satisfy them.
The buying pattern in rural community is incomparable with that of an urban area because of the population is less populous. Also, there may be preferential treatment given to different buyers both in rural community and urban area that marketing operation is carried out.
Thus, the reason for carrying out this research is to examine the purchase pattern in a rural community in comparison with the urban son as to identify and determine an appropriate marketing strategy that will enable us to achieve the already stated goals and objectives of a marketing firm.

? To identify the psychology make up of prospective buyers that make a successful buying pattern.
? To find out the problems marketers face in various rural communities.
? To suggest ways of encouraging consumer in their buying pattern.

The scope of this study is restricted to consumers buying pattern in rural community using Eruwa community as a case study
? Time: the duration of the project is short so the data we collected are minimal.
? Finance: the situation of the country did not allow us to have enough money to carry out the research.
? Occupation: the fact that we are students did not allow us to concentrate fully because the school is still on

Commerce came into existence way back 1862 when they use trade by barter but commerce came into Eruwa in 1960 why they trade by the use of barter.
When money came into existence, they started using money as a means of exchange for various goods and services due to the population of Eruwa, people meet at various dates to transact or trade. The major goods sold in Eruwa since existence has been nothing but consumer goods.
Markets in Eruwa include Anko,Owode,Towobowo,Bareke,Temidire, Okolo, Omo poly bread. These markets meet at every5days interval except Bareke and Anko market which meet on daily basis.

Before proceeding to examine the concept of the consumer behaviour in rural community, the following key terms are defined in order to serve as guidelines in this study.
i. Consumer Behaviour: Charles R. Watson defines it as the way people act in the exchange process.
ii. Motivation: This is regarded as an attempt to understand the underlying drives that contribute to the individual consumer action.
iii. Need: This is a form of basic inner tension of discomfort that a person strives to reduce or eliminate.
iv. Wants: Generally, want is undefined, but on the other hand, it can be ?what can satisfy a person? And are specific and tangible when compared with needs.
v. Drive: A drive on motive is a stimulated need that an individual seeks to satisfy.
vi. Perception: This is defined as the process by which an individual selects, organizes and interprets information inputs to create a meaningful picture of the world.
vii. Attitudes: This is a neutral state or readiness to respond, which is organized through the experience and experts a directive or dynamic influence on behaviour.
viii. Learning: It can be defined as any change in behaviour which results from experience or in practice to similar situation as oppose to change due to psychological variations, such as growth.
ix. Experience: It can be defined as a by-product of time and exposure which cannot be brought over.

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