

Statistical analysis of capital market on economic growth in Nigeria


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Statistical analysis of capital market on economic growth in Nigeria. 


Capital market is the market for buying and selling of medium/long-term investments or financial instruments (equities and debt) in the form of stocks and bonds of more than one year. Although the Nigeria capital market might be considered young, it is among the fastest-growing emerging financial markets in recent years. The main objective of the study is to examine the impact of capital market performance on economic growth in Nigeria. However, the specific objectives are to: Determine the impact of market capitalization on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Assess the effect of total new issues on the gross domestic product. This indicates that market indices do depend on gross domestic products for the economic growth in Nigeria and recommends that there is a need for improvement in the declining market capitalization by encouraging more foreign investors to participate in the market, maintain state-of-the-art technology that will ensure a free flow of information in the market to attract more investors as well as increase new issues which will automatically increase the quantum of market capitalization..

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