



There cannot be a solution where there is no problem, which is the reason and focus of this study aimed to identify and examine the major constraints of personnel administration in Nigeria”s Local government systems, a case study of Ehime Mbano Local Government Area. In the course of the research, a total number of 100 questionnaires were distributed by hand to both senior and junior personnel, the target audience. The data collected were analyzed and the findings were insufficient finding of personnel administration lack of qualified personnel and poor handling of bureaucracy and its principles. The system theory of environment and administration was used. Discussions were made on the findings. Also, possible implications of finding in personnel administration in Ehime Mbano Local government areas were highlighted, some recommendations were put forward for solving the identified problems. Suggestions were also made for further research. Finally, it was expected that the implementation of the suggestion would help in minimizing the constraints of the personnel administration in Ehime Mbano Local government and the local government system at large. This study will enable the government through its findings to know the cause of personnel constraints and likable solutions to the constraints in-order to create smooth administration and to achieve the set goals of the local government system at large.

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