

The impact of civil service reform on national development – case study of Afikpo north local government



The impact of civil service reform on national development – case study of Afikpo north local government.


Civil service is a machinery of government that executes the policies and decisions of government for the benefit of the nation. It is classified into ministries and extra ministerial departments which are in charge of groups of related matters. Civil service reforms were no doubt instituted with the overall objective of overhauling both the technical and institutional capacities of the nation’s civil service to enable it to perform its crucial role of self-sustaining growth and development of the country. The researcher brings in the limitations of the 1988 civil service reform which include the wrong deployment of officers to duties not relevant to their academic/professional background, training and cognate experience etc. And also anticipating solutions to the problems in order to achieve national development. Civil service reforms bring about professionalism, tenure by the office, elongated salary structure, promotion and discipline of the civil servants as well as monitoring of the activities of each ministry/department to ensure effective performance.

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