

The statistical appraisal on the utilization and availability of instructional materials for teaching and learning of mathematics in secondary schools




The statistical appraisal on the utilization and availability of instructional materials for teaching and learning of mathematics in secondary schools teachers in Idemili L.G.A. while teaching their students. The researcher was convinced that instructional materials can stimulate the sensory experience of the learners in teaching mathematics. Worried by the fact that non-utilization of instructional resources could result in teachers resorting to frontal teaching thereby compelling their students to memorize and regurgitate facts and principles which is an utter negation of the educational planners’ idea. The researcher decided to investigate the availability and was of instructional materials in the secondary schools in Idemili Local Government Area. To execute the project, seven hypotheses were formulated. Data were collected through a questionnaire administered to a random sample of 27 principals and 110 teachers. Data wee analyzed through the use of means, percentage, t-test and chi-square statistics. The result of the study revealed that: 1. There is an abject lack of instructional resources of secondary schools. 2. Teachers do not often competently utilize the available instructional materials in their classroom lessons 3. There are no resources personnel and resource center in Idemili L.G.A. Based on the findings, the educational implication was printed out and a number of recommendation was proposed by the researcher which they believe that if implemented would go long way.

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