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CHAPTER ONE GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The world over, public sector organizations are responsible for providing essential goods and services for the benefit of the citizens of their countries. The provision of such essentials are most often than not plagued with unsatisfactory quality in developing countries such as Nigeria. The services sector is an indispensable player of most contemporary economies. Service industry in both the private and public sector play very important roles. The private sector in most developing countries such as Nigeria is expected to be the engine to ?fire? growth while the public sector is to ?service? the private sector (that is, the engine.) However, the public sector of Nigeria has over the years been faced with many daunting challenges in its quest to deliver quality services. Among these are excessive bureaucracy, political instability, political interference, corruption, nepotism, unattractive working conditions and poor work ethics. Quality delivery of public services is not a privilege in a civilized and democratic society – it is a legitimate expectation. The public service will be evaluated based on one criterion ? its effectiveness in delivering services which meet the basic needs of all citizens of the state. The complexities, dynamism and competitiveness of today?s business environment request the delivery of quality services that will respond to the ever changing needs of customers and clients for quality, variety, customization, convenience and timeliness. Meeting these calls for the institution of structure, systems and processes that will help achieve the ultimate ? which is service quality and customer satisfaction. No organization operating in any sector can avoid the increasingly competitive landscape. As Tantakasem et al (2008) observed, in the financial service industry, for example deregulation has increased competition due to the entrance of new global players including new banks, fund management companies, brokerage services and insurance firms. He continued that in order to remain competitive, manufacturing firms made quality a focal point through initiatives launched in the past decades. Concepts such as zero defect, total quality management (TQM), quality functional deployment (QFD), six sigma and the like are some of the key methods that firms used in order to be able to deliver quality products. According to him in recent decades the quality movement which swept the manufacturing sector in the past is becoming more and more prominent in organizations in the service sector including those in the public service (Piti Tantakasem et al 2008). Since independence the public sector of Nigeria has undergone a number of reforms in order to meet the needs and aspirations of the citizenry. The public sector has been under increasing pressure to improve upon service delivery and to demonstrate that it is customer-centric. Service quality has therefore been defined as an overall judgement similar to attitudes towards the service and generally accepted as an antecedent of overall customer satisfaction (Zeithaml and Bitner, 1996). Public sector organizations are responsible and accountable to the citizens and communities of their countries as well as to their customers or clients. According to Gowan et al (2001), service provision is more complex in the public sector than in the private sector. This is because it is not simply a matter of meeting expressed needs but of finding out unexpressed needs, setting priorities, allocating resources and publicly justifying and accounting for what has been done. It goes without saying that compared to the private sector, service quality and customer satisfaction in the public sector largely leaves much to be desired. Also a lot of work has gone into studying service quality and customer (clients) satisfaction in the private sector. Though some work on the subject has been done in the public sector as well, it does not match the scale or volume of work done in the private sector. Service quality is given high premium in the private sector as it holds the key to survival, competitiveness, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.

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