




The increasing library attention to research on early brain development and on shortand longterm effects of childrens participation in quality early childhood program along with the growing government commitment of lifelong learning in the Education for all conferences 1990,2000 has led to growing interest in early childhood programs and services in counties around the world.

It important in collecting accurate and useful information in about childhood service in persecutor country or region. The guidelines presented forces on two areas of particular concern for policymakers data collection and system monitoring. To accommodate the needs of both developing and developed Nations we offer a number of different approaches to data collection and monitoring. Provide practical example of data collection methods that can be used t examine courage and quality two areas that are especially important for policymaking decisions. Finally the unique demands of collecting data to be used in cross national research.

The major type of early childhood services in both developed and developing countries the general information about early childhood policies, indicators, and methods of data collection. The two specific example of early childhood policies, with suggest indicators for these policies and recommended methods of data collection. The next program discusses the special requirements of National data collection if the findings are to be reported crossnationally.


In Enugu United Nations children fund UNICEF started in 1983 and A field office covers 10 states, The A field office is one of the four field offices of UNICEF in Nigeria, it was established in 1969 as a way of taking UNICEF and its programs closer to the people.

Some international organizations that worked with developing actions in operating and expanding early childhood service had gone along way I education and care of worlds children and parent these has gone a long way in monitoring the birthrate of children.

On the other hand, from about the three middle 1970s there have been several types of evidence indicating growing awareness of Childs birth as a problem, this has gone a long way in monitoring birthrate in hospitals and health centres reduction in attitudes favourable to it in the global Network and the formulation of policies and law designed to curb it.


The factors that influence the course of development with an organization and its accomplishment is good to be embraced, so as to ensure that adequate majors are taken to monitor birth rate of the united Nation children fund UNICEE Enugu, till now can not keep track of its registered new born babies accurately, but get its data nor information through National. Population commission due to the fact that they dont take birth rate monitoring as a particular sector to monitor, but also emphasis on other aspect concerning children such as their right Education. Lack of sophisticated machine for the purpose rather it uses the old system to monitor work, the negligence has made report to parents and the National population commission.

Although the National Populating commission being represented at the hospital by one of its staff to be manually taking record of event so as to enable the National population commission have on to upto data records of every newly born baby.

Thus, its necessary for the health institution to introduce on information system that would be used for the recording of event regarding and complication related to pregnancy.


The purpose of the study is to design an on line information system that would help to solve all the problems encountered in this health institution while monitoring pregnant parents and development of effective child labour intentions and prisons of important tools of study birthrate.


The study will be of immense importance health institution through the united Nation children fund UNICEF Enugu not only them but other health institution that would want to embank of online birth rate information monitoring system.

The objective can be as follows:

a Generation of valid and reliable quantitative data on child labour.

b. serving as a monitor and regulatory on line information system to check the mistake associated with adulterated birth registration.

c. for the development of effective child labour interventions and provision of important for designing, implementing and monitoring effective policies and programmes on child labour

d. Increases the scope of the computer application in our health institution.

e. Assist the national population commission in the provision of numbers of newly born babies into the nation.

f. Increases importance to the nation with the objective of keeping track of newly born babies so as to avoid poverty.

g. Making birth registration easy and cheap for the beneficiaries as regards to its manual method.


The study of this project was suppose to include birth and death rate of child, that is the registration of death of citizen and that of birth of citizen but for obvious reason, the scope is limited to birthrate monitoring information online system with a case study of united Nation children fund UNICEF Enugu.

The survey which had a national coverage, including the 36 states of the federation including the federal capital territory it was design to investigate all aspect of work carried out by children and pregnant mothers.


For civil registration rate are subject to limitation which depend on the completeness of birth registration, the treatment of infants born alive but dead before registration within the first 24hours of life, the quality of the reported information relating to age of the mother, and the inclusion of births form previous periods may suffer from limitation connected to age misreportion and coverage.

For survey and census data both the numerator and denominator come for the same population the main limitation concern age misreporting birth omission misreporting the data of birth of the child and sampling variability in the case of surveys.


Data: A collection of unorganized facts

De bugging: The process of eliminating error in software or in the system.

Diskette: A small plastic disk coated with a magnetizerable substance and encased in plastic jacket of ten referred to as floppy disk.

Enduser: Any person who uses information technology to perform his/her sub.

Field: A basic unit of data usually put of the record located on input output or storage medium

File: collection of related records.

Hard were: physical equipment or trice in a computer system

Information: meaningful data or processed data

Input: To access data from an external device and place them into a computer memory

Management:processes by which attain basic function in organization is performed

Menu: display presented by a section of a program that permits the user to control the order of execution of other modules in the program.

Module: In programming a solution component representing a processing function will be carried out by a computer.

online: computer support equipment is currently set up so that it can transmit data to communicate mediation

Surgeon: This is a person that is qualified to be called but specializes on operation of the womb etc.

Assistance: He helps the surgeon in the theater

Book of like: this is a very big book contain information about birth

Original price was: ₦3,200.00.Current price is: ₦3,000.00.

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